Structured remediation

Remediation delivered: On time & on budget

Do you have confidence that your remediation programmes can deliver on time & on budget?

The cycle of remediation can be relentless and such programmes can often become more challenging to manage than initially envisaged. Equally, there can often be several remediations taking place at the same time, resulting in the potential for duplicated effort or data conflict.

Critical questions

  • Do your remediation programmes often miss their deadlines?
  • Does your institution often run multiple simultaneous remediation efforts – resulting in multiple client reach-outs?
  • Do you find it difficult to track progress and gain clarity on risks and issues across your remediation efforts?

Aspirational state 

Remediations are unfortunately an inevitability, however the goal should be to ensure minimal impact on BAU activities, maximum coordination of client contact and to cultivate a culture of effective delivery, bringing efforts in on time, on budget and to quality.

Aim to build out remediation portfolios, with highly structured teams supported by clear process to drive coordinated delivery and bring certainty to the delivery timeline.

Speak to us about Structured Remediation