Working with a number of Tier 1 and mid-tier banks has highlighted that many client lifecycle processes are impacted by three high level themes:
- A lack of clearly documented process flows and procedures to ensure a common understanding across stakeholder groups
Many stakeholder groups interact with some (or all) of the client lifecycle. These groups each have their own expectation of the service or requirement on the output or outcome of the process which may or may not be being delivered. The lack of a common expectation, or statement of the required service levels, results in a service of varying quality across the organisation.
- The need for a business wide client lifecycle framework to drive consistency across multiple business areas
Independent approaches across business lines usually vary in completeness and result in an inability to provide a consolidated status for the business.
A significant benefit offered from a well-designed client lifecycle environment is the ability to provide a consistent and considered service, regardless of which area of the business the client interacts with. Business lines which have developed independently (or acquired from other institutions) often implement their particular operational approach in quite different ways (even if a common policy is in place). This will often lead to a poor client experience, but can also drive significant levels of inefficiency and even control gaps.
- A common data model, highlighting the expectation of key attributes to be captured, will avoid conflicts of information across the client base
Inconsistent reporting across the client lifecycle is a major challenge for many institutions. While many organisations have invested in consolidating a number of data sources, these sources are not always widely understood. Discrepancies can occur leading to the data set not being trusted or even the persistence of inconsistent reporting. There is usually a need to address concerns, whether technical or educational, with the centrally recognised data source.