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How we improved client productivity using Design Thinking

With complex problems, sometimes a fresh perspective is needed to find a solution. In this article, I'll take you through how we applied Design Thinking (writes BeyondFS consultant Jonathan Kohler)—specifically, the Double Diamond  approach—to solve an operational challenge for a BeyondFS client. By getting to the root of their problems we helped them streamline processes and unlock potential productivity improvements.

You’ve probably heard of Design Thinking. In essence, it’s a structured way of solving problems that focus on the customer experience first, and avoids jumping straight into solutions. One of its core methods is the Double Diamond approach.

The Double Diamond is split into two key phases: understanding the problem and then developing a solution. Each phase also has two parts—Discover and Define, followed by Develop and Deliver.

Here’s how we applied it for one of our clients, an insurance firm with a major productivity challenge.

How we improved client productivity using Design Thinking
How we improved client productivity using Design Thinking
The Challenge: fragmented communication and manual processes

Our client was dealing with common symptoms of operational dysfunction: departments weren’t talking to each other, manual processes were slowing things down, and employee frustration was widespread. The leadership team knew things were broken, but they didn’t know how to fix them—or even where to start.

Discover: identifying the root cause

The first phase of the Double Diamond, Discover, is figuring out what’s really going on before you leap into solutions. Too often, teams rush ahead and end up treating the symptoms rather than the root problem.

We kicked things off by gathering insights from the people actually doing the work. We ran surveys, interviews, and focus groups, digging into the day-to-day operations. The findings were telling. Each department had its own way of working, none of which connected well with the others. There was no central data system, meaning people were spending hours hunting for documents. Manual processes created bottlenecks, resulting in delays and errors.

It was demoralising for staff who had to deal with these inefficiencies every day. In fact, understanding how the issues impacted employees emotionally was just as important as grasping the operational details.

Define: distilling the insights

With all the information gathered, we moved to the Define phase—boiling down our data into something clear and actionable. After analysing the interviews and survey results (and using AI tools to spot recurring themes), three big issues emerged:

  1. No centralised data repository, leading to confusion and delays.
  2. Manual, outdated processes causing inefficiencies.
  3. Fragmented communication between teams, creating decision-making bottlenecks.

From this, we defined the core problem: it was the absence of an integrated platform for data and process management, which was causing inefficiencies, communication gaps, and time delays.

This was a real turning point. Leadership now had a clear, precise understanding of the problem. It wasn’t just isolated pain points but a compounded issue affecting the entire operation.

Design Thinking - The Double Diamond Approach

The Double Diamond Design Thinking approach.

Develop: brainstorming solutions that stick

With the problem nailed down, we moved to the Develop phase. This is where you start exploring solutions, but you don’t just grasp the first idea that pops into your head. The Double Diamond forces you to explore different possibilities and test them.

We ran workshops with staff from across the business. Everyone had a say, and this helped us generate ideas that were rooted in reality, not just what looked good on paper. Three ideas stood out:

  • A centralised database to make storing and accessing data quicker and easier.
  • Automating routine, manual tasks to reduce the admin burden.
  • Introducing a real-time messaging platform to speed up communication and decision-making.

Once we had these ideas, we built some basic prototypes. These weren’t flashy, just rough wireframes of the database interface and sketches for the messaging tool. We tested them with small groups of employees to gather feedback and fine-tune the solutions.

Deliver: rolling out solutions gradually

In the final phase, Deliver, the aim is to bring the ideas to life in a way that works for everyone. We didn’t want a disruptive, all-at-once overhaul, so we started with the centralised database, which was the most pressing need. We partnered with an IT provider to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) that would allow employees to quickly and efficiently store and retrieve documents.

At the same time, we began automating some of the most time-consuming manual processes. This freed up staff to focus on more valuable tasks. The messaging platform was rolled out gradually, department by department, to improve communication without overwhelming anyone.

Crucially, we kept things flexible. We gathered feedback as the solutions were implemented, making adjustments as necessary. This incremental approach ensured the changes stuck without creating new frustrations.

The Results: tangible improvements

The impact was swift and measurable:

  • A 30% reduction in time spent on manual tasks thanks to the centralised database.
  • Faster decision-making due to improved communication across teams.
  • A noticeable boost in staff morale, with employees feeling more involved and heard throughout the process.

The best part was these solutions didn’t just fix the immediate issues—they created a foundation for ongoing improvements. The firm now has a centralised system in place that they can continue to build on, and the automation has started to generate long-term efficiencies.

Why the Double Diamond worked

The Double Diamond worked because it made us slow down and pinpoint the real issues before jumping to solutions. The Discover and Define phases ensured we tackled root causes, not just symptoms. When we reached the Develop and Deliver phases, we were able to build solutions that would work in practice.

Involving employees throughout was key. Their input ensured the changes were not only effective, but championed and adopted by the team.

The Double Diamond provides a practical and intuitive structure to identify issues, test solutions, and deliver lasting results. For our insurance client, using this approach turned frustration into clarity and significantly improved performance, achieving their core objectives.

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